Welcome to the Experience

I had a conversation today with my namesake about what it takes to succeed in the podcast world. What, that sentence doesn’t make sense and I have to explain it? FINE. Guess I have to do all the work around here.

My name is Delvin. Randomly, on twitter one day, I saw a like or share or tweet from another guy who shared my name, but instead of the last name of Williams, his last name was Cox. Instead of my, like, 500 something followers on Twitter he had about 7,500. I am not used to seeing anyone with my name so I was intrigued. I am also a big smartass so I had to reach out to him and playfully mess with him about not only having my same first name but having so many more followers than I do!

Much to my surprise, Delvin actually replied back with humor and good nature. He then invited me to come onto his podcast. What, I have to talk about that now? Blogging is a lot of work, I swear… 

Delvin Cox has hosts his own podcast called the Delvin Cox Experience. I’m going to chop up his mission statement but the purpose of his show is a one-man mission to unite people through diversity. That’s…not a small feat! More to the point of podcasts that can and has taken him anywhere from talking about video games and music to playing Dungeons and Dragons to speaking on how race relations are in the United States and abroad. See? Not small. 

A part of Delvin’s charm is he will talk to anyone. He showed that by reaching out to a guy, me, who the only thing he’d known of at that point is a small tweet thread and that we had the same first name, and inviting that guy on his podcast.

Surely enough, we talked and hit it off like gangbusters. To add, the show I was a part of was Delvin’s most popular show last year. Delvin always starts off with about 5 questions he asks anyone on the show and that dovetailed into about an hour long conversation going anywhere from comic books to politics to podcasting. For someone who I just met, it was one of the easiest conversations I’ve ever had and that’s a direct credit to Delvin.

As always, it’s possible to apply one situation you’re in to the whole of your situation. When it comes to podcasting, it’s good to benchmark off of someone who is successful (and willing to help!) in order to achieve your goals. When it comes to life, it’s good to continue to work at something you want to improve. I’m grateful to have three guys in Pat, Jarrod, and Jason to work with when it comes to our work with the Longbox Crusade. And when it comes to allies it pays to have an ally in Delvin Cox. Welcome to the experience.


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