You’d Be Mad Too
It’s not like I have anyone to apologize to when I write these things. I’m ok if anyone reads them and yet I feel I should apologize for thinking about Trump and this election stuff but it ties into so many different things and it’s current so it’s fresh on my brain. Things to include one of the reasons I decided to even start blogging in the first place. I named the blog “writin’ forty” as a pun, yes, but I wanted to write about stuff that’s going on with me in my forties which is more in my rear view than it is in my windshield, crazy as that is to say and think. I would imagine it makes sense that things that happen in your now are often as a result or reminiscent of things that happened in the past and sure as shooting that is what I’m feeling with this Trump stuff. Imagine that you are a black man in America, specifically the United States. Let me tell y’all, I couldn’t imagine wanting to be any other race in the US: black Americans literally made this country. Ou...