Getting Political

 In my oldish age I definitely have come to realize that not everyone in America is on the same page. I mean, variety is the spice of life right? Nothing wrong with that. What constantly amazes me and saddens me is that America isn’t on the same page as to what freedom means.

If you think this is going to get political, you’re probably right but I can at least let you know where I come from when it comes to how I view politics. Ever since I was basically made to pay attention to politics, which has been about 15 years or so now…let me back up.

When I was still in the Air Force and stationed in San Antonio I first started paying attention to politics. More pointedly, I would hear some of the guys in the office call things “liberal” when it was a policy point that was ongoing which they disagreed with or if you were a person to say something that wasn’t the way they wanted you to say it they would call you a “liberal”. 

I even saw what that was then: if you don’t think like we think we will call you a slur. Because that’s what being a liberal is in the minds of people who use the word derisively. I didn’t like this being a black officer in the Air Force (a minority of a minority of a minority, at minimum) because immediately attaching a label like that can lead to some very bad consequences. Name calling becomes separation becomes cruelty and violence way too quickly. 

I do my best to view things “down the middle” or from what I feel is a common sense standpoint. Maybe many people feel they do this but when it’s applicable I will look at a side or two of a subject to form my opinion. When I moved to North Carolina, I had a chance to register as a Democrat or a Republican. I chose independent for a few reasons. Ultimately I feel that the problems that plague us will probably need solutions that are a blend of the two major parties. To what end, I have no idea.

Especially given that the Republican Party has decided that they should follow the business model, so to speak, of Donald Trump. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is an absolute failure of a human being and a man but the one thing he has always been good at besides being a drain on resources is projecting a brand name, a consistent (if not coherent) message. If there is a rule that is a gentleman’s agreement? Stomp past it if it inconveniences you because it’s not illegal to do so. If it’s law? Break it and force the lawyers to litigate it, which takes time. None of it is couth but if you have things that need to get done you absolutely COULD choose to do things this way. Just don’t expect to make any friends, just allies.

My tangent has a purpose: my logic dictates we as a country, as long as there are two major parties, has to have viable ideas from both sides (and compromise where needed) to continue moving this country forward. If one of those sides continues to move in an extreme matter, everything grinds to a halt or even worse, reverses. That is what is happening now with the right. Whether in power or out of power, their entire existence seems to be to advance this very strict financial, religious agenda. No compromise. No quarter given.

My idea of freedom, therefore, falls by the wayside because I absolutely am not on board with the idea of nationalism founded by whatever the hell they’re calling Christianity. My idea of freedom is simple: every legal citizen should have equal rights/autonomy. A man has full control of his body. A woman has control of hers. You can marry whomever you choose, just pay the taxes. You can marry whatever race you choose. No sex is discriminated against. No race is discriminated against. 

See, to me, none of that is political. That is literally the base standard we should have going forward in order to move towards a prosperous country…

…but obviously there are some who disagree. The reason they disagree and to what extreme is the absolute rub and I’ll be honest when I say I’m very worried about where that leaves us as a country and as a society in general.


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