
 Yeah, this has been one heck of a year. Most of it I went silent on this blog for and I have no one to blame but myself. I normally type these things up when I’m in a meeting at work or it’s a little dead at my desk at work. Problem being that I haven’t been at work, per se. I’ve been home for about 6 months now due to COVID-19. I can honestly tell you I didn’t see that coming. Many of us didn’t.

It took me way too long to realize that I have spent a lot of time in front of my work computer where I wasn’t’ actively doing work or I was listening to a meeting via phone/webex/what have you and I could have been killing everyone softly with the song of my words. So, to the 8 people who read this: I’m sorry. I should have done better.

This downtime really does things to a man. I’m fortunate in that most of the things that it’s done to me are good. My life certainly is more simple. I don’t have to put on work clothes; I put on a t-shirt and shorts and my work day begins. I don’t have to plan going out with Miranda, we both are at home the majority of the time so it’s Netflix/Hulu and chill (like eating food or something, get your minds out of the gutter). Podcasting, which has kept going on strongly, occurs upstairs so that hasn’t changed. I made the decision to take the gamble and go back to jiujitsu at the start of June. That’s basically my life right now: work, jiujitsu, podcasts, the Mrs, home. Simple.

Simple is boring sometimes, though. Boring can be beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but somewhere in my blood is a roaming spirit. I have taken frequent drives to nowhere just to get out of the house. Now that things are somewhat more tame, I’ve made any excuse to grab a coffee or drink with a co-worker or buddy. The farthest I’ve travelled this year was to Birmingham, AL to see my folks on a very limited basis. I usually quell my need to roam by going on trips. That’s not going to happen much this year.

The downtime has given me more time to read about politics and current events of the day. I won’t get into that much in this post but it’s helped me solidly develop what I do and don’t believe in. It’s helped me find my peace about people who believe in things I do not.

Downtime, for a person like me who has to stay engaged, is a mixed bag. It has been for me, for sure. But I’m doing everything I can to accentuate the positive and keep it moving. May not be much of a philosophy, but it’s all I got.


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