
Showing posts from September, 2020


  Yeah, this has been one heck of a year. Most of it I went silent on this blog for and I have no one to blame but myself. I normally type these things up when I’m in a meeting at work or  it’s  a little dead at my desk at work. Problem being that I haven’t been at work, per se. I’ve been home for about 6 months now due to COVID-19. I can honestly tell you I didn’t see that coming. Many of us didn’t. It took me way too long to realize that I have spent a lot of time in front of my work computer where I wasn’t’ actively doing work or I was listening to a meeting via phone/ webex /what have you and I could have been killing everyone softly with the song of my words. So, to the 8 people who read this: I’m  sorry.  I should have done better. This downtime really does things to a man. I’m fortunate in that most of the things that it’s done to me are good. My life certainly is  more simple . I don’t have to put on work clothes; I put on a t-shirt and shorts and m...