Tournament thoughts Part 1

Getting ready for this tournament and several things are going through my head right now. I’m sure they’ll all string together at the end but if they don’t, here’s my apology in advance. You got what you paid for:

1. Jeff mentioned to me about a week or so ago about what my “Happy Plan” was for the tournament. I had no idea what he meant. A happy plan is how you’re going to envision your tournament rolls going from start to finish. I was asked this question by one of the brown belts at my school, Tyson, but it’s good to know there’s a term for it. I have now mentally practiced what my happy plan is.

2. I am worried I haven’t physically worked that plan well enough. On the off chance that one of my competitors is one of the 8 people who read this thing I won’t give away what I have and haven’t worked but I am worried I haven’t prepared enough. I have used my regular training to figure out what it is I feel I can and can’t do in reference to the tournament. I hope that’s enough.

3. Not knowing what I’m going to be facing is emotional. A part of me is worried about what would happen if I were to win. A part of me is worried about what would happen if I were to lose. The “right” mindset to have is to go out there and learn and become a better jiu-jitsu practitioner. As of yet, there haven’t been officially posted brackets. Should I look at who my opponents are going to be? Does it even matter? Will there be enough people in my bracket (blue belt, 40+, over 230lbs)? Would knowing any of this matter in the long run?

4. I am worried about my weight. I am not grossly out of shape. I have also been doing intermittent fasting for almost a week now, but the weight doesn’t seem to want to shed how I want it to shed. I want to be as close to 230lbs as I can and my weight starts with 24 and not 23. I shouldn’t be too worried about that but I am.

5. I don’t know if I should ask for anyone to be there to help me. Is it rude to ask an advanced belt to be there to coach me along? Phil, who I roll with weekly, told me he’d be there to record my matches and my heart soared to hear it. I’ve had people tell me they wanted to watch me compete and I’m not worried about that; I really appreciate anyone who wants to support me. A part of me thinks if I want something to ask for it and be assertive about it. Another part of me thinks doing that would be rude. I think I’m leaning more toward option B because at least I put myself out there to ask.

I’m sure there’s more that’s on my mind about this but that’s some idea of what’s floating around up there. I’m ultimately excited about this opportunity and want to do my best as a way to honor my wife, my school, my training partners, and myself. I think that’s a good place to be. Everything else will be answered in due time.


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