Sister Hazel

I just had a breakthrough of sorts at work. I’m at the same job still. We’ve had several members of our team leave due to some level of discontent and I understand fully the reasons why they have left. Basically, the direction of the team from up top is lacking. Not gonna go into it too much because who knows who reads this dang thing, but suffice it to say if you’re ever on a team and you see senior level
people up and leaving the team it is a loudly clanging klaxon, to be alliterative about it. Anyways: the breakthrough: Sister Hazel.

I’m not gonna look up the date but the music group Sister Hazel came out with a song called “Change Your Mind” about 15 years ago or so. A key lyric from the song: “If you want to be somebody else? Change your mind!” The point being that you can be anything you want to be if you change your mindset to be that thing you want to be.

Right now, work is a raging dumpster fire and I haven’t gotten satisfaction from work. But guess what? I’m super tired of waking up dreading coming to work. So, I’m going to change my mind about the whole dang thing. I’ve begun carving out a reputation at being decent at my job. My boss has noticed and has also asked for my input on all things in general: he wants to hear from me and that is a nice thing for a boss to say. I’m carving out the spaces in which I want to grow: I don’t mind training people (used to be a teacher for 3 years if you can believe it) and I need to start going to my next level of my job for a progression. 

I might start looking for another gig that has a little bit more of a mental stimulation but I abide by a tenet that a man is someone who, once something hits his hands, leaves them in a better condition. To me that means doing the best where I am. It means changing my mind. 


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