
Showing posts from May, 2019

The One Thing I Do Know

Sometimes I wish I had definitive answers about myself. I’d love to know how I process information and why; what parts from my mom and what parts from my dad plus any parts God make me think the way I do. Rod  Bramblett , voice of the Auburn Tigers, and his wife Paula were killed in a car accident this weekend. The news hit me like a depth charge; I waited for confirmation of the worst news and then I read a ton of comments about how people were mourning the event or retweeting Rod’s historic call of the Kick Six, Chris Davis’ 108  yd  return for the most improbably satisfying Auburn victory over Alabama that anyone may ever see in their lifetime or the next. Some people shared pictures of them with Rod. Some people shared memories or stories of what a kind, nice man Rod was and what an amazing couple the  Brambletts  were. Some lamented the two children, both young adults, the  Brambletts  unexpectedly left behind.  Some shared they were cryin...

Welcome to the Experience

I had a conversation today with my namesake about what it takes to succeed in the podcast world. What, that sentence doesn’t make sense and I have to explain it? FINE. Guess I have to do all the work around here. My name is Delvin. Randomly, on twitter one day, I saw a like or share or tweet from another guy who shared my name, but instead of the last name of Williams, his last name was Cox. Instead of my, like, 500 something followers on Twitter he had about 7,500. I am not used to seeing anyone with my name so I was intrigued. I am also a big smartass so I had to reach out to him and playfully mess with him about not only having my same first name but having so many more followers than I do! Much to my surprise , Delvin actually replied back with humor and good nature. He then invited me to come onto his podcast. What, I have to talk about that now? Blogging is a lot of work, I swear…   Delvin Cox has hosts his own podcast called the Delvin Cox Experience. I’m going ...

Fire and Ice

I  gotta  tell you, I have enjoyed the heck out of jiu-jitsu. Here’s how much I’ve enjoyed it: the school I go to, nearly since I’ve been there, had a Thursday class where fundamentals were being taught. I loved it because it was a way to refresh what I learned on Monday and Wednesday’s class. This class also was a way to move a little slower and not be as chaotic as going into free sparring after. It was a way for me to practice and not bring all the war and hell of hard rolling. Anyway, they cancelled this class recently as the guys running it felt the purpose of the class had run its course. And to wrap this paragraph up, the reason I know I enjoy jiu-jitsu is I was sad when this class was cancelled. Maybe it’s  because I like my routine and this class was a part of it. Maybe I liked the personal thing I had set up where, during a normal week, I was going to class Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. But I do miss it. As much as I enjoy jiu-jitsu, it is hell i...