Use Your Illusion II

I saw a meme, picture, something on someone’s Facebook or twitter or something that mentioned…

Yes, I know that above clause is a mess but it’s either reflecting that my mind is a mess (highly possible) or goodness, we receive information from a ton of different places! There are a lot of people who fret or worry that we receive our news from Facebook or any level of social media. I get that, but if you’re careful about how you vet your information obtaining it from Facebook or Twitter first isn’t really that big of a deal; it’s making sure the source information is valid. Or, if you’re looking at a meme, understand that a meme itself isn’t the source information and you should be super careful about just trusting a meme to carry your thought processes. I should finish the clause.

the ancestors of many African American people, slaves, who were toiling in the field (In the United States) were not meant to be slaves. They were doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc, who were made to be slaves.

That’s a heavy thought and it’s certainly a sad one when you think of the tens of thousands of people whose dreams never had the opportunity to be realized in the horribleness of what occurred in the past.

In the here and now I take it seriously that as a descendant from the people who wanted more from their lives and who had to want more from their progeny to maximize what I’m doing with my life. Sometimes there is failure; sometimes success. But I don’t want to look back and see that I wasted what I’ve been given.


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