Wish List

I’ve gone out of my way on this blog to not talk about politics. Trust me, I have friends and I have heard people very proudly proclaim how they don’t talk about politics. I’m not one of those people for a few reasons: there isn’t anything wrong with being aware of events in the world. As a minority, I think it’s even more important to state exactly where I am in my place in the world for so many reasons. So many. But I’ve gone out of my way to not talk about politics in this blog because I want this blog to be a place for me and for anyone reading to be free of, I dunno. The world’s problems? That’s too heavy. How about this: in general I don’t give a good got damn about politics. I do care about common sense and I do care about people and so what I do is take politics and apply them to how I feel it would affect people in everyday life. I’m not saying that’s unique or avantgarde or whatever. It’s just what I do. 

All of this preface is leading up to me talking about politics in general, but like I just said, really about what I view as talking about people and common sense and how it might affect people in their everyday life. Here goes with my wishlist :

1. I wish people would be adaptable to their beliefs and principles. There are things that you might hold as a core belief but if you’re confronted with direct, logical, factual, evidence contradicting what you thought you knew a smart man changes his core belief. A stubborn one or a stupid one never changes. If you’re not evolving you’re dying as well as expecting everyone to regress. That isn’t realistic. 

2. I wish people would realize what they say, particularly on social media, particularly on Facebook, can be potentially seen by any of the friends and family they add. Because some of the stuff I have seen and read have painted a near indelible mark on some people I loved, liked, or had respect for. I am someone who talks a decent amount and I promise you I never forget that the easiest thing you can do is keep your mouth shut in a lot of situations; once those words are out they can’t come back. That might be cliché damn is it true.

3. I wish people would show love and respect for those they’ve actually met, laughed with, cried with, and sharedbeer with over a politician or celebrity. At the end of the day, unless you literally know that politician or celebrity chances are that person who is going to help you move, that person who is going to help you get over a girlfriend/boyfriend who left you, the person you’re gonnacall to go get a drink at the end of a shitty day ain’t gonnabe that politician or celebrity. Chances are that politician or celebrity wouldn’t even look in your direction unless you’re going to give them something and that is the literal opposite definition of a friend to me.

4. I wish that we stopped mixing up what is political as opposed to what is being a good or bad person because while the two may intersect I think that way too much is tied up into what people value in their politicians. Flipping that, I think that right now a lot of politicians can point to a “hot button” topic or two and simply mention it and that’s enough for someone to vote for them. That’s such an easy thing to manipulate. Along those lines:

5. I wish people would stop listening to what people say versus what people do. The difference between talking a big game and playing one is the difference from one end of the spectrum to the other. 

I’ve probably said too much as is but I’m the type of person that, when something is on my mind, it’s going to stay on my mind unless I do something about it. Now that I’ve done something about it, I can let it drop and go back to blogging about jiu-jitsu or my beard or something lol.


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