No answers

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve heard really distressing news concerning two kids, both girls, who decided they would make an attempt at their life rather than go on with the stresses they feel they are being put over. One reached the breaking point most likely due to mental and physical exhaustion. The other most likely attempted due to a consistent and steady bully ragging her day in and out. Both hurt hearing about.

I wonder if we have forgotten our kids in these past few years. It seems that we are all so busy just trying to make a living that it’s easy to forget that kids are trying to make it as well. I remember reading that as soon as you first send your kid off the school for the first time they are entering a secret world of which you’ll never know everything about. Once they leave the house that’s it; they’ve already begun growing away from you.
Best thing you can do is once they get home, talk to them open and honestly. Let them know as much as you can that you love and believe in them. In the end, they have to be the ones to receive it but our part in that is making sure that the love is there for them to receive and that desire to believe in them is apparent.

I also think we can help by the content we add to social media. Right now cruelty seems to be in style and I wonder if that’s being picked up by kids; stronger kids may never know the pressure but weaker ones get picked on more. I don’t think we as a society can get along if we all retreat to our corners and think of the cruelest things to say to each other. It’s even worse if you have to see the person who’s tormenting you at school then they get to continue the abuse. 

I don’t have any answers here. I just don’t want to go to a funeral anytime soon. When I do, I’d rather it be someone much, much older than myself.


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