
I often wonder why Marshawn Lynch came back to the NFL. He was reasonably healthy. He had a lot of money because unlike a lot of NFL players he didn't spend it all while he played. But most of all was this:

They showed this special about him on ESPN and what Marshawn was doing after his retirement. At one point he went to Scotland. He put on a kilt. He listened to men play bagpipes. There was a scene where a few gentlemen we're playing and Marshawn was kind of doing this dance and just looked so damn happy. Like, all the hits and the coaching and the injuries was completely worth it for this moment in his life.

I thought about this moment because of this past weekend. Some college buddies and I planned for years to make a trip back during the football season to meet up. We talked and talked. It never happened. But for whatever reason it never materialized until this year.

I could tell you a lot of little things that happened. Conversations. Dinner. Having the privilege of watching the game in a suite thanks to a friend who knew a friend. A huge win for my Auburn Tigers over the hated Georgia Bulldogs. But at some point during all of this I just felt this huge sense of unbridled joy; joy that doesn't seem to come a whole lot the older you get unless you're reminded of great days gone by.

If you have someone in your life who knows you and loves you and accepts you when you are a complete dumbass but also a complete champion make time to see them. Capture some of that joy in your life because I tell you what, man. We don't get long to enjoy this stuff. I intend to spend as much time dancing and being happy as I can.


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