Sad, Helpless

So far in life the biggest responsibility I've had is being a base commander while in the Air Force on a small island in the middle of nowhere. I had about 250 folks to take care of. I dealt with local police as well as administration and I also dealt with another country's Air Force.

It was awesome.

Literally anywhere else in the world I would have worked and been called "Major". There, I was "THE Major". Now, being called a cool title is nice but it means nothing if you're not working every day to earn it; it doesn't take much for that grand title to be said sarcastically. So I worked. I went to battle in support of and alongside my people every day to reinforce to them, to reinforce to myself that I was worthy of the title I was bestowed.

That was over 3 years ago, though. I suppose being a leader is like being a dad. Once you start you can't really ever turn it off again. I see so many things happening now and it makes me feel sad and helpless. Specifically, things like Puerto Rico and the fires in California. I'm watching this stuff on TV but I can't do jack about any of it. Folks getting shot up who just wanted to attend a country concert in Las Vegas. I can't really help that from a leadership standpoint.

But in a way, I'm wrong. I learned that you don't have to have the title of leader in a job description to be leader. To lead by example. There are ways to grow your sphere of influence so that you're helping others to help others. I donated goods to Puerto Rico. Definitely not bragging about the paltry amount that I sent but I hope and pray it gets there and someone there knows the help of an anonymous stranger, growing my sphere of influence and more importantly, helping then in a time of need to keep fighting and find ways to grow theirs.

If you're like me, you see this stuff going on and wish there was a way you could be there and help out. You feel sad, helpless. But sometimes we aren't given direct battles to fight. The true test is how we help other to fight when they need help. The true test is not remaining sad or helpless for long. It's how to get up and keep fighting in spite of the sadness and helplessness. It's tough. But you want that sphere of influence to grow and be strong. Keep fighting y'all.


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