The Flag

So there's been this whole talk about the flag and the anthem. Who should stand and who shouldn't. How people feel about it. A whole lot about how people feel about it. I guess I should tell you how I feel about it.

I'm over it. Entirely.

What I have learned is that once you bring up certain issues there are going to be a large portion of people who will ignore it simply because of who is delivering the message. In this case, some will intentionally wrap themselves into how you presented the issue and really focus on how they feel about how you delivered the message.

Anything but paying attention to the message.

Of the large portion of people I mentioned if they do address the message they will turn it back on those who brought it up because the very thought that the large portion had anything to do with anything negative is simply too much to bear, apparently. They'll ignore a very simple truism that a minority can do a lot, can make leaps and bounds, but eventually they will need the large portion to accept those leaps and bounds for those improvements to ever stick. Otherwise the large portion can just determine everything is wrong and just come up with any reason to dismantle what the minority built.

If I'm the minority, I keep kneeling. I keep peacefully doing things to gain attention, even if it's displeasing. Eventually the large portion will get it. Eventually.



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