
Showing posts from January, 2019

Jefferson Airplane

I grew up as a brainy kid. I was called nerd a lot. This blog is not about how much I was called a nerd as a kid. Not really.  I was always in Quiz Bowl, or Academic Bowl, as a kid. Did a decent amount of it in middle school. It made sense for me to continue trying it in high school. What I have learned in my middle age is that you can be a hotshot at something, but if you have to move to a different location to keep doing that thing you’re going to have to prove yourself all over again.  I was kind of a hotshot in middle school at quiz bowl. Moving into high school, I had to prove myself all over again. I found out there was an Academic Bowl team for the high school  and joined up. The proving myself part came when I had to “sit the bench” for the first half of the competition. If memory serves me correctly, each match between schools was 25 questions long. There were four people on the team. A coach could sub in any or all of the four team members after 12 ques...

Where I'm Supposed to Be

I didn’t mean for so much time to pass between posting but life and laziness happens, of course. When I started this thing it was to counter my fears of writing in public. It was also to make me write more because I’ve had several people tell me in my life that I should write more. With apologies to President Dubya, I’d think the whole experience has been Mission Accomplished! I posted 30+ times in a year on the blog, which is good. I’d like to think that largely due to this I stepped up and volunteered to write Facebook and Twitter writeups for the podcast I’m a part of, the Longbox Crusade. I noticed that the main man and DJ, Pat, used the same or similar write-ups for our podcasts once they came out. It was my idea to take over for those write-ups; I wanted the hard work that he does and that the boys put into the show to stand out! My humble part in that is the write-up. End result of that would be positive feedback from the write-ups and as is normally the case, more work! I no...