Art Imitates Life
While I didn’t think this, if I did think that receiving my blue belt in jiu-jitsu was the end to anything I would be sadly mistaken. I’m going to go ahead and say I don’t get why anyone goes through the trouble of earning a blue belt in jiu-jitsu and then decides to quit going to class. Of course, life happens and things come up so I’m not talking about those people. I’m talking about people who actively choose to stop going after blue belt, they could go to class, and just decided not to go. I’ve read somewhere that earning your blue belt is the equivalent of knowing who you are as a jiu-jitsu artist. So imagine if that applied to real life: you finally figure out your purpose, who you are as a person, then you just don’t do any of it. It’s unlocking a door and then just walking away from the door without walking through it. That’s crazy. Why am I rambling about this? If I figured out what I am in earning my blue belt it would be that I’m a big dude and I like smashing...